
Please make your registration at the registration site.

The presenter/author of the accepted paper(s) must make an early registration with the paper ID to be included in the conference proceedings and program.

Registration Fee

(before August 5)
(before September 10)
FullJPY 50,000JPY 70,000
StudentJPY 35,000JPY 45,000
Extra banquetJPY 15,000

Hotel Accomodation

We secured some hotel rooms, which can be reserved by the registration site. There are plenty of hotels in Kyoto, but plenty of visitors to Kyoto.  We strongly recommend you reserve a hotel as early as possible. Unfortunately, there is no hotel within walking distance of the venue.

Student Travel Grant

ISCA student members are eligible for applying travel grant.  Please make application after the paper acceptance notification and before the author (early) registration deadline.  Please refer to the ISCA grant site.

We also plan to provide our own travel grant for students in developing countries who will present a paper.  Please contact the general chair.